You no longer need to be rich to have style. -Yves Saint Laurent
Here are some of my favorite pics from the Yves Saint Laurent exhibition at the Seattle Art Museum (SAM). One of my favorite designers-Saint Laurent, showed his genius through drawing and sketching at a very young age. Foreshadowing to the designer he became later. I enjoy his work because it challenged societal fashion norms of his era. Saint Laurent's work questioned traditional representations of the genders. By creating the first version of a tuxedo in a more androgynous way, he essentially spurred the exploration of fashion that transcends gender. I believe that's fashion in its truest art form.
I'm more a fan of his early designs, before Saint Laurent was introduced to the vibrant colorful paintings of Henri Matisse (one of my fav artists). From then on, color was evident in majority of his garments. I've realized I enjoy looking at colors rather than wearing them. I could look at Matisse' vivid and colorful work all day long but I'll probably be wearing black doing it!
We made it to SAM an hour before it closed which was just enough time. I'm really thinking about getting a SAM membership because there are so many other things I want to see. If you get a chance, I would encourage you to check out the YSL exhibit.
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